Thursday, 18 July 2024
26th International Choral Festival PDF Print E-mail
International Choral Festival

Town Vranov nad Topľou,
Culture House Vranov nad Topľou
Society of choirs OZVENA,
and the Private Music School Vranov n.T.

invite Your choir to the


Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia
June 13th - 16th, 2013

Under the patronage of the Minister of Culture in Slovak Republic and the Mayor of Town Vranov n.T.

Fotografie z 26. ročníka:

Bulharský detský zbor zo Sevlieva Slovenské zbory Zvony a Musica Viva z Vojvodiny Dirigenti pred prijatím primátorom mesta Vranov Chlapčenský zbor Ozvena na galakoncerte Prešovský ženský zbor nocturno na koncerte v Hanušovciach n.T. Spoločná „Aká si mi krásna na galakoncerte“ festivalu

If you are looking for the application form, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Information about festival

  • Non-competitive jubilee festival appointed for all age limits.
  • The choirs from Slovakia and from abroad can take part in the festival.
  • The concerts take place in the Culture House and in the churches in Vranov nad Topľou, in Hanušovce n.T., Humenné, and in other towns and villages of region Prešov.

The conditions for the participation of the choirs in the festival:

  • The members of choirs pay for accommodation, board, etc. (70 € for whole stay per person).
  • The accommodation and the board is offered in the holiday Centre in Juskova Voľa, in the hostel SZSP in Vranov n.T. or in PATRIOT Hotel in Vranov n.T. or in the families of choir members. The friendship choirs (reciprocal exchange with Ozvena) pay no festival contribution.
  • Within the festival the participants take part at seminar, workshop, common meetings of the choir members and discussion evening for conductors, managers and guests, exhibition of the paintings with musician themes, trips to Prešov, Košice, Domaša, Hanušovce, visit of museum, etc.
  • The choirs will prepare for the common choir gala-concert the common composition by Eugen Suchoň "Aká si mi krásna" (the scores can be downloaded from below).

Preliminary program

Thursday, June 13, 2013
Arrival of the choirs and accommodation in hotels, hostels and families

Friday,   June 15, 2013
10.00   1st Festival concert "Choirs for children" (20 minutes each choir)
14.00   Acceptance of the guests by Mayor of town Vranov nad Topľou in Ceremony Hall Vranov  
17.30   2nd Festival concert in Church in Hanušovce nad Topľou (20 minutes each choir)
19.00   3rd Festival concert in the Catholic Church in Humenné (20 minutes each choir)
19.30   4th Festival concert in the Basilica Minor in Vranov nad Topľou (20 minutes each choir)
After concert discussion evening and meeting of conductors and managers in Holiday Centre in J.Voľa

Saturday, June 16, 2013 
09.30   Workshop for conductors and guests in the Cinema of Cultural House Vranov n.T.
11.00   Trip of choirs to cities Prešov, Košice or to the lake Domaša                                
19.00   Gala-concert in Culture House in Vranov nad Topľou (8 minutes each choir)
21.00   Disco-party for choirs, conductors and guests - reception party in Holiday Centre in J.Voľa

Sunday, June 17, 2013
In the morning - singing of choirs during holly masses in Vranov and villages - voluntary   
Departure home - Sunday after breakfast or after the singing during the mass

Information to download:

Please, download the application form. For your convenience, we have offer the following documents in a printable form:

pdf NEW! Application Form | 159 kB

pdf 26th International choral festival - Basic information and program PDF | 157 kB

pdf Score for the song "Aká si mi krásna" PDF | 948 kB

pdf 26th International Choral Festival - Terms letter PDF | 109.48 Kb

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 05 November 2013 )
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